Trade Team Prince Edward Island continues on its mandate to promote trade and export development with today’s launch of its 2010 – 2011 Trade Calendar.
“Our government continues to encourage and invest in strong trade and export relationships,” said the Honourable Minister Keith Ashfield, Minister of National Revenue, Minister of Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Minister of the Atlantic Gateway. “The growth of these trade partnerships plays a key role in strengthening the Canadian economy.”
Trade Team PEI is a partnership network of federal and provincial government agencies and departments committed to helping PEI–based exporters and organizations succeed in their pursuit of global business development opportunities.
“Innovation PEI works through many avenues to strengthen and grow our provincial economy,” says Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allan Campbell. “The events on this calendar ensure we are nurturing existing trade and export relationships while exploring new, innovative markets, companies, and sectors.”
This year’s calendar features Trade Team PEI trade missions to New England, New York, Japan, Florida, the Caribbean Region and Philadelphia as well as other US and International trade shows.
The calendar was launched today during a presentation on “Doing Business in the Big Apple” by Ms. Nathalie Béchamp, Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner, at the Consulate General of Canada in New York City, focusing on trade opportunities for Prince Edward Island companies in one of the biggest markets in the U.S.,
Trade Team PEI, led by ACOA and Innovation PEI, plays a key role in planning activities and delivering programs that are designed to help exporters including adding human resource capacity, strengthening presence in existing export markets and diversifying and expanding into new export markets.