Two More Centres Added to First Round of Early Years Centre Transition

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
Progress is happening quickly with the transition to the Early Years Centre (EYC) model, says Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, Doug Currie.

“Centres are very excited about being involved in the Preschool Excellence Initiative and are moving quickly to ensure they meet the standards to become part of the first-round transition,” said Mr. Currie. “This tells me that the program that we have created is what the sector and the public have been looking for. More centres making themselves ready for round one this early on demonstrates to me that there is a desire in the sector to be part of this wonderful initiative.”

Two more centres have met the qualifications necessary to join the 34 EYCs the Preschool Excellence Initiative will implement across the province this fall. The two centres are Cornwall Child Care/Garderie Éducative in Cornwall and Little Blessings Child Care Centre in Stratford. Both centres recently met with department officials and clearly demonstrated that they have a plan in place that will allow them to meet the requirements and transition to the EYC model this fall.

Another 13 centres are preparing to become Early Years Centres and are considered to be round two applicants. These centres will also be asked to come up with a plan by mid October, which will be reviewed by the department, detailing how they will be able to meet all requirements to become an EYC by January 2012.

There are a number of centres who have chosen to remain private for various reasons. In some cases the maximum capacity for the region was met, so some centres were not accepted. This does not necessarily reflect on the quality of the programs or facilities; it is a matter of overcapacity in some regions, especially in Charlottetown and Summerside. Parents are being advised to refer to the Early Childhood Development Association’s Guide to Quality Child Care Handbook before choosing a child care centre. The handbook can be found at

Owners and staff from centres who will be closing or converting to an EYC will help families, as much as possible, with any transitions that need to be made. If you have any questions or for more information, please call 902-438-4854 or 902-368-6518 or email

Media Contact: Maureen Flanagan-LeClair