Conference Organizers in Final Preparations for the Upcoming Coastal Zone Canada Conference

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
Prince Edward Island will host international speakers from around the world at the 2010 Coastal Zone Canada Conference and Youth Forum next week at UPEI, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair.

“As host of this major conference, Islanders will have an excellent opportunity to learn from world experts about preserving and protecting our coastal waters,” said the minister. “We will also participate directly in timely and relevant discussions on how to prevent situations like the Gulf of Mexico oil spill from happening again in the future.”

The theme of the conference is “Healthy Oceans - Strong Coastal Communities - Voices for Change.” It will be held July 25 to 29 at the University of Prince Edward Island. The Youth Forum will be held from July 23 to 25 and is hosted by the Institute of Island Studies, the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI and presented by the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry. The Youth Forum provides young people, ages 16-26, with an opportunity to learn more about coastal issues and a chance to create a series of video messages and a call to action for the 2010 Coastal Zone Conference.

Conference organizers are pleased to have three highly respected and knowledgeable keynote speakers who will discuss the health of the world's oceans and coasts, and the current situation in the Gulf of Mexico.

Alanna Mitchell is a journalist and author, whose latest book, Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis, is an international bestseller. She is the recent winner of the Grantham Prize for excellence in environmental journalism which is one of the most prestigious awards in the world for science writing. Alanna will open the conference discussing the crisis facing the world’s oceans and coasts. Alana will also be available for a book signing at the Indigo Book Store in Charlottetown on Monday, July 26 from 3 to 5 p.m.

David MacDonald is a former Member of Parliament from Prince Edward Island. His involvement with Canada’s oceans and coasts began in the 1970's when he participated as a parliamentarian in the UN Law of the Sea negotiations in Geneva. He chaired the first House of Commons Committee on the Environment and he was Parliamentary Advisor to the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. Mr. MacDonald has been recently involved in World Oceans Day events. He will discuss the current state of Canadian coasts and oceans.

Dr. Merv Fingas is a scientist who focuses on oil and chemical spills. He will speak about the offshore environment and oil spills. He was Chief of the Emergencies Science Division of Environment Canada for over 30 years. Dr. Fingas has been actively involved in studying the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and has testified to a U.S. Congressional committee studying the oil spill situation.

The Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development is hosting the conference on behalf of the Coastal Zone Canada Association.

Mr. LeClair commended the conference organizers for putting together a very dynamic and diverse program. “Delegates will have many ways to engage in these important discussions whether it is through paper sessions, workshops, field trips, cafes, panels or keynote presentations,” he said. “I am confident that they will leave our province with new knowledge and warm memories of the Island.”

For all conference details visit the website at or email

Media Contact: Kelly Cantelo