Prince Edward Islanders can now go online to review and search the latest drinking water and surface water information in their communities and local watersheds, says Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry Richard Brown.
“Government is providing access to public data about the quality and quantity of water in their local watersheds,” said the minister. “This is an important step towards improving public education on protecting water quality.”
The department’s website now contains a link leading to water data, said Mr. Brown.
“The Water Quality Search on our department’s website gives the public quick and easy access to information on our Island’s groundwater, streams, ponds and estuaries,” said Mr. Brown.
Other users of the information include farmers who rely on stream level indicators to determine when they can withdraw water from streams for irrigation. Farmers can view current stream levels on the website to verify if the stream level is high enough to irrigate that day.
The data available includes historical data, data collected as part of current monitoring programs and drinking water results.
Creating the online public data system is one of the recommendations of the Report on the Commission of Nitrates in Groundwater, which was established to develop a strategy to reduce nitrate concentrations in groundwater and surface water.
Government adopted the recommendations of the Commission, which was presented in June 2008.
Implementation has been led by a multi-departmental committee spearheaded by the Departments of Agriculture and Environment, Energy and Forestry.
Government is working with stakeholders – including farmers, landowners, industry and the public – to implement the recommendations.
To access the online water data, visit the department’s website at and click on Water Quality Search.