Recycling Program for Electronic Waste Announced

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
Electronic waste will be diverted from landfill sites in Prince Edward Island with the introduction of a new province-wide recycling program starting July 1, 2010, said Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister Richard Brown.

Government has accepted a plan from Atlantic Canada Electronics Stewardship (ACES), an industry organization representing electronics manufacturers, distributors and other stakeholders, to manage a recycling program, said Minister Brown.

“There is growing public awareness about the risks to human health and the environment from dumping products that contain toxic chemicals into our landfill sites,” said Minister Brown. “Government is creating alternatives that will benefit our environment and our Island community.”

ACES has operated a similar Electronics Recycling Program in Nova Scotia since 2008.

“As an industry-led, non-profit association, ACES is looking forward to providing a responsible electronics recycling program for residents of Prince Edward Island,” said Gerard MacLellan, Executive Director of ACES. “We’re committed to working closely with the Government of PEI and Island Waste Management Corporation to ensure unwanted electronics are diverted from landfills and recycled responsibly.”

The new program will address the growing environmental problem of electronic waste in PEI’s solid waste system.

“I think most Islanders would be shocked to know that 700 metric tonnes of electronics are disposed of each year in local landfills,” said Minister Brown. “Implementing this new program will send a strong message about the responsibility we all have to protect the environment.”

The ACES program is not funded by government but through an environmental handling fee paid by consumers and producers of electronics products.

A fee will be applied to the purchase of new electronic products to assist with the cost of the recycling program. The fees will vary from 40 cents for digital cameras, $2.10 for laptop computers and $10.50 for desktop computers.

Products that can be recycled include computers, televisions, portable stereos and CD players, VCRs and DVD players, and non-cellular telephones. These products will no longer be accepted in residential solid waste carts or commercial waste collections.

ACES will work with Island Waste Management Corporation to set up convenient drop-off locations across the province. IWMC will publicize details within the next week. Information about the ACES PEI launch is available at

“I am pleased to see industry accept responsibility for the management of this new electronics recycling plan and I would like to thank them for their leadership on this project,” said Minister Brown.

Media Contact: Kim Devine