Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Doug Currie says he is overwhelmed and encouraged by the interest in the Minister’s Summit on Learning. Over 250 people have registered, and people continue to call asking to be involved.
“The level of interest in the Summit on Learning is a clear indication that Islanders are ready for this important conversation on learning,” said Minister Currie. “I would love for everyone who wants to be part of the discussion to be able to attend but that is just not practical. It will be challenging enough to manage the conversation with the large number of participants we already have.”
Earlier this spring, Minister Currie invited educational partners across the province to begin a new conversation about the future of education in Prince Edward Island. The main purpose of the Minister’s Summit on Learning is to engage the broader community in a high-level conversation about preparing Island students for success in work and community in the 21st Century.
“Education systems around the world have already made a shift towards a 21st Century learning model and I want to engage educational partners in this province in a discussion about how we might make that shift here,” said Minister Currie. “We have some very innovative, exciting initiatives underway in Island schools and I believe we can build on what we are already doing to support Island children and youth for future success.”
The key note speaker for the Summit is Charles Fadel, global leader for education at Cisco Systems and the author of “21st Century Skills-Learning for Life in Our Times.”
Fadel will facilitate workshops that guide the conversation about ways Islanders can work together as a community to create a learning system that supports students to reach their full potential and prepare for life in the 21st Century.
Those participating in the Minister’s Summit on Learning were asked to register in advance. That registration is now complete and late registrations will no longer be accepted.