Disability Action Council Identifies Priority Areas for Action

* Community Services and Seniors [to May 2015]
The Disability Action Council has identified 14 priority areas that they will focus on over the next year to help improve outcomes for Islanders with disabilities, announced Honourable Janice Sherry, Minister of Community Services, Seniors and Labour.

“PEI is ahead of most provinces due to the work that has been completed by the Disabilities Services Review process and I am pleased that the Disability Action Council has identified 14 priority areas to focus on over the next year that will have a positive impact on the people in the province who are living with disabilities,” said Minister Sherry. “We look forward to working with the Disability Action Council in the next steps of the process.”

The priority areas stem from the recommendations that were included in the final report of the Disability Services Review committee that was presented to government in 2009. The committee’s final report contained almost 50 recommendations aimed at improving the disability supports and services that are available in Prince Edward Island.

“I feel the areas that the Council have chosen to focus on over the next year, which are aimed at improving the disability supports and services around housing, employment, training and leadership align well with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” said Marcia Carroll, Chair of the Disability Action Council. “I am pleased that PEI has supported the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which occurred this past week in Ottawa.”

The Disability Action Council is comprised of 19 members from advocacy groups, service organizations, government departments, businesses and community members. The Council plays an integral role in consulting with and advising government on new and existing legislation, policies, programs and services affecting people with disabilities in Prince Edward Island.

The recommendations are intended for all levels of government, and all members of the community. The provincial, federal, and municipal governments, as well as businesses and community organizations all play a role in improving the quality of life for Islanders with disabilities.


14 Priority Recommendations from the Disability Action Council Include:

∙ All organizations and individuals who design, develop, deliver, or use services and supports for people living with disabilities adopt the elements of the disability framework that was proposed in A Scan of Government Based Service Delivery Models for Persons with Disabilities.

∙ Establish a provincial coordinating mechanism within Executive Council to develop and implement a framework for a client-centred approach to services and programming for persons living with disabilities in PEI.

∙ The Province establish an ongoing mechanism to ensure that those managing and implementing the Labour Market Development Agreement and Labour Market Agreement have knowledge regarding employment issues specific to people with disabilities to ensure barriers to employment are addressed.

∙ Government leaders come together to create a PEI social framework for the rights of people with disabilities reflecting the Provincial vision of One Island, One Community, One Future.

∙ The Department of Community Services, Seniors and Labour explore policy changes within the Disability Services Program (DSP).

∙ The Province establish a provincial housing policy.

∙ The provincial government work collaboratively with the federal government.

∙ All Islanders should have access to an Island-wide, accessible and affordable public transit system.

∙ Provide DSP workers with enhanced case management skills, such as interviewing skills and interpersonal communication skills, that facilitate the client’s ability to express their needs and concerns.

∙ A client-centered service, involving a multi-disciplinary approach, be used in providing services to persons living with disabilities, including case management where required.

∙ Delivery models provide seamless supports and services.

∙ Provide consistent training to all service providers across the Island to improve case-management abilities and consistent application of policy and procedures.

∙ The Province lead a sustainable social marketing approach in partnership with not-for-profit government organizations, the private sector, persons living with disabilities, their families, Advocacy Groups and Island communities.

∙ The Province in partnership with not-for-profit government organizations, the private sector, persons living with disabilities, their families, and Advocacy Groups encourage the increased implementation of barrier free or universal design requirements for homes and buildings constructed in PEI.

To view a more detailed list of priority areas, please visit the Department’s website at www.gov.pe.ca/sss.

Media Contact: Laura Steeves