Farmers Helping Farmers invites its members and the general public to an information meeting on Tuesday, April 20. This will take place at St. Peter’s Anglican Church Hall in Charlottetown (corner of All Souls’ Lane and Rochford Street).
The information meeting will be a chance for members and the public to learn about the work Islanders are currently involved with in Kenya.
There will be short presentations on the recent work completed in Kenya. These will include updates on the dairy projects, twinning schools, the Ruuju and Muchui women’s groups, and a presentation from UPEI nursing students who worked with the St. Theresa’s Missionary Hospital in Kiirua, Kenya.
Makena Ambassa, Out of Africa, will be serving traditional African food at
5:30 p.m., with the meeting getting underway at 6:30 p.m. The cost for the meal will be $10 for members and $20 for non-members.
Farmers Helping Farmers is an Island-based, award-winning organization of community-minded people with agricultural backgrounds. Its goal is to assist Kenyan farmers in becoming more self-reliant in agricultural food production. The group assists with the development of small-scale, practical agricultural projects focusing on direct, person-to-person interaction.
For more information please visit or contact Julie Mutch at 626-7856.