Through Business Continuity Management (BCM), Island businesses and organizations can prepare in advance for emergency events that could impact on day-to-day operations, says Attorney General Hon. Doug Currie, Minister Responsible for the Office of Public Safety.
“Business Continuity Management can help create the structure necessary for businesses to plan for operations during or immediately after a business interruption due to an emergency event,” said the Attorney General. “BCM protects businesses, safeguards jobs, and enhances the efficiency and value of an organization.”
Minister Currie is encouraging Island businesses and organizations to take time during Business Continuity Awareness Week, March 22 - 26, 2010, to identify potential threats to their organization, determine how business operations may be impacted, and begin planning to minimize disruptions and ensure continuity of operations.
“Emergencies can happen here, and they can affect business operations,” said Minister Currie. “Safeguarding the capabilities of Island businesses and organizations to provide both service and employment will help keep our One Island Community viable.”
The Office of Public Safety is coordinating Business Continuity Planning across departments, agencies, boards and commissions of the provincial government. More information on Business Continuity Management is available at