Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities -- Managing our Forests for Tomorrow

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
The P.E.I. Model Forest in partnership with the Public Forest Council would like to invite the public to an information session and woodlot tour on Saturday, March 06, 2010, at St. Teresa Community Hall (Route 22 - follow the signs). This is an opportunity to learn more about Island forests and discover how people use P.E.I. forests, and the importance of this resource to the Island’s environment, economy and rural communities.

The morning session begins at 9 a.m. Topics will include Forest Bio Energy Possibilities, Climate Change, Non Timber Forest Products Opportunities, P.E.I. Woodlot Owner Survey results and a short film on Sustainable Forestry.

The 1 p.m. woodlot tour features a horse and sleigh ride to and from various demonstrations such as Horse Logging, Silviculture Treatments, Snowshoe Hare Harvesting, and Identifying and Tracking Winter Wildlife.

There will be staff from the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry on hand to answer guest’s questions about forest and wildlife management.

There is no charge to attend this special event and lunch will be provided to guests that have pre-registered and are attending both the morning and afternoon sessions.

For additional information or to register, please contact Steve DeWolfe (P.E.I. Model Forest Network Partnership Ltd.) at 902 368-4803, or visit

Media Contact: Ron Ryder