Bona Fide Farmers Permitted to Use Beach Sand

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
Bona fide farmers will be allowed to gather beach sand for use on their farming operations, Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister Richard Brown says.

“Under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, the minister may issue permits for the extraction of beach sand. Today I am issuing a permit allowing all bona fide farmers in the province to gather beach sand - using their own equipment - for use in providing traction on their farms,” said Minister Brown.

“Earlier this year, government amended regulations in order to stop commercial sand mining on our beaches, but the intent was never to ban the small-scale use of beach sand by farmers. Island farmers have historically had access to this resource and we will continue to allow those with bona fide status to gather sand for use on their farms. Government is confident that our farmers will continue to be good stewards of our beaches.”

Agriculture Minister George Webster welcomed the Minister’s decision to issue the permit. “Regulatory changes banning commercial sand mining were never intended to restrict bona fide farmers from using beach sand on their farming operations. This Ministerial permit will allow farmers to operate as they always have until their access rights are made formal when regulations are amended early in 2010,” said Mr. Webster.

Media Contact: Ron Ryder