Temporary visitor guidelines put in place at Island health care facilities early last month will be lifted as of Thursday, December 3, announced Minister of Health, Doug Currie.
“Our health care facilities implemented temporary visitor guidelines as a proactive and precautionary response to the impact of the H1N1 influenza virus across the province,” said Minister Currie. “Working together, they felt it was important to ensure that the appropriate steps were taken to protect patients, staff, physicians and volunteers from the H1N1 virus while they were at any one of our facilities.
”As of tomorrow morning, patients will no longer be required to identify two designated visitors for the duration of their stay in hospital and facilities will permit persons under the age of 18 years to visit (except where previous restrictions apply). Some hospital units will continue to monitor visitation to prevent the spread of influenza and influenza-like illness to our most vulnerable patients.
While the temporary guidelines are being lifted, the public is reminded that, as per normal visitor practices, no more than two visitors at one time can visit a patient at the Queen Elizabeth and Prince County Hospitals.
Persons visiting health care facilities should continue to use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the hospital and a patient’s room and to cough or sneeze into their sleeve. Individuals experiencing influenza-like illness should call ahead or postpone their visit until they are symptom free so that they do not put patients at risk.
Temporary changes to visitor guidelines will be reinstated if the need arises.