Minister Supports Investor Education Week Initiative Through Distribution of Investor Information Ki

An Investor Information Kit has been prepared through the joint efforts of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) which is comprised of the twelve provincial and territorial securities regulators. The kit is being distributed in conjunction with Investor Education Week.

We invite you to review the materials in the kit and to report on them through your news columns and commentaries, especially during Investor Education Week, which runs from March 30 to April 3. These materials will make your readers more aware of the risks and rewards of investing in the securities market.

In Prince Edward Island, the Minister of Community Affairs and Attorney General is responsible for regulating trading in securities through the Office of the Registrar of Securities.

"Our department is participating in Investor Education Week because we believe that the education of individual investors and of those involved in the securities industry must be a high priority for securities regulators@, stated Attorney General Mitch Murphy.

Our key Investor Education Week message is this: "As regulators, we're here to help. But it's your money - so investigate before you invest."

The CSA kit contains a series of pamphlets that will help consumers investigate before they invest. Any attention you can draw to their contents through your news columns will be of great value to many of your readers.

Those readers can obtain a copy of the kit by contacting the Office of the Registrar of Securities at 368-4569.

Media Contact: Ruth DeMone