National Launch of Children’s Online Privacy Discussion Paper

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner is pleased to announce the national launch of the Online Children’s Privacy Working Group’s discussion paper, “There Ought to be a Law: Protecting Children’s Online Privacy in the 21st Century.”

The Children’s Online Privacy Working Group is comprised of Canadian provincial child and youth advocates and privacy commissioners. The Working Group first convened in January 2009 to discuss the harms children may face online, including exploitative marketing practices, cyber-bullying through social networking sites, and child sexual exploitation including child pornography.

The Working Group collaborated to produce the discussion paper which calls for a number of law reform proposals to better protect children’s privacy online.

The official launch of the discussion paper will take place Thursday, November 19, 2009, at the International Conference on Child Rights in Ottawa.

The launch coincides with National Child Day on November 20, which also marks the 20th anniversary of Canada’s signing of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The discussion paper is available on the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner website at

Media Contact: Judy Haldemann