Department Launches Love Our Lobster Month

Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair today announced that May 2009 has been officially declared as Love Our Lobster month. The month has been declared to promote the freshness, quality and value of Prince Edward Island lobster to consumers in this province. It will feature an advertising and promotional campaign to increase demand for lobster through retailers, peddlers and food service operators.

“It is important that we promote our top quality Prince Edward Island lobster here at home,” said Minister LeClair. “We need to remind consumers that our lobsters are of the highest quality, they are fresh, tasty and nutritious and they represent great value.”

Although the vast majority of Island lobster is exported to domestic and international markets, Minister LeClair said that it is important to encourage Islanders to support local industry while enjoying a great product.

The outlook for markets and prices for lobster is uncertain for the fishery, which opened yesterday along the north shore and south east coast of Prince Edward Island. The global recession has dampened demand for lobster, which is considered a luxury food product in many markets. Over the past several months, the department has been working in cooperation with the federal government, other governments in the region, and with industry to develop a promotions and marketing campaign.

The Minister said the department is participating in a $500,000 generic promotional effort aimed at markets throughout North America and Europe. He attended the Boston Seafood Show to help identify new and expanded markets, and a representative of the provincial government is attending the major European Seafood Expo in Brussels this week. In addition, this past week, the three Maritime Fisheries Ministers announced a regional promotional campaign being undertaken in partnership with Atlantic Superstores and Moosehead Breweries.

“I am hopeful that these and other initiatives will have a positive impact on the markets,’ said Minister LeClair. “While it may be some time before we know more about the prospects for markets beyond our shores, we can start here in Prince Edward Island to enjoy our great local lobster.”

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon