The Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry will no longer issue permits for sand mining on Prince Edward Island’s beaches, Minister Richard Brown said today.
Following review of a study that looked at the impact of sand mining on erosion around the West Point lighthouse, the provincial government has decided that it can no longer allow the removal of sand from Island beaches, said Minister Brown. Sand mining, the excavation of beach sand, has been linked to the loss of coastal beaches – sometimes in areas well away from the mining site.
“The beaches and dunes of Prince Edward Island are beautiful parts of our Island landscape. But they are more than scenery, these beaches protect our shores from ocean erosion and provide a buffer against wind storms,” said the minister. “Protection of our Island beaches is protection of the Island itself.”
The department will continue to issue permits for removal of sand in cases – such as when sand has accumulated in a harbour – where the sand poses problem for boat traffic.
Copies of the West Point erosion study are available online at .