The Commission on the Land and Local Governance has been asked to inquire into issues surrounding land use and municipal government and to recommend approaches which might be taken in dealing with those issues.
The Terms of Reference of the Commission are posted on the Commission’s website at or may be acquired by contacting the Commission at (902) 621-3040.
The Commission, in preparation for public hearings has identified numerous issues whose subject matter comes within the Commission’s mandate. Those issues may also be viewed on the Commission’s website or by contacting the Commission.
Numerous recommendations have been made to Government by prior Commissions. Those recommendations and their current status, in terms of implementation, are being studied and will be posted on the website and otherwise made available to the public as information becomes available.
The Commission welcomes input from anyone who is interested in the issues being addressed by the Commission. Email:
Submissions may be made in writing to the Commission at:
Commission on the Land and Local Governance
PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE C1A 6X4
Parties wishing to make submissions in person may do so at public hearings. The schedule for the public hearings will be announced at a later date.