PEI Seniors’ Secretariat Hosts Discussion on Healthy Aging and Developing Age-Friendly Communities

* Social Services and Seniors [to Jan 2010]
The Prince Edward Island Seniors’ Secretariat is bringing together seniors’ advocates, municipal and provincial planners, and academics for a discussion about creating age-friendly communities that support Island seniors in leading healthy, active lifestyles.

The Secretariat, a committee of representatives of various Island seniors’ groups, is presenting a Forum on Healthy Aging and Age-Friendly Communities on Tuesday, March 17 in Charlottetown.

Representatives of municipalities, seniors’ organizations, health charities, academics and government departments will meet to share information and explore new opportunities to create age-friendly communities that support seniors into their elder years.

“Seniors have an important role to play in our families and our Island community,” said Minister of Social Services and Seniors Doug Currie. “Everyone benefits when seniors remain active and social, and it’s important that our urban and rural areas are places where they can age in a healthy way.”

The keynote speaker will be Jim Hamilton, a special advisor on healthy aging with the Public Health Agency of Canada. Hamilton will present an overview of healthy aging and age-friendly community development in rural and remote areas of Canada.

Patty Clark, National Executive Director of the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults, will present resources that promote healthy, active lifestyles for older adults. Catherine Freeze, Seniors' Policy Advisor for the Department of Social Services and Seniors, will present demographic and lifestyle information on Island seniors.

The Forum will be held on Tuesday, March 17 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Murchison Centre, located at 15-17 St. Pius X Avenue in Charlottetown (the special events facility located across the street from the church.)

Members of the public who wish to attend should RSVP to Catherine Freeze at or 620-3785 by noon on Monday, March 16 to obtain an information package. Journalists may contact the Communications Officer at any time.

Media Contact: Stefanie Arduini