Province House Architectural History to be Published

Kathleen Casey, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, is pleased to announce, in collaboration with her Maritime colleagues, that Mr. James W. Macnutt, Q.C. of Charlottetown has been engaged to write a book on the architectural history of the three Maritime legislative assembly buildings. Mr. MacNutt has written and lectured on architectural history and is intimately familiar with the Legislative Assembly of PEI, having served as its first legislative counsel and as law clerk. The book will document, through pictures and text, the origins and usage of the architectural styles in which the buildings are constructed. Mr. MacNutt will also explore the origins of the form and function of the various parliamentary chambers and spaces in each building as they continue to allow for the functioning of modern legislatures and the practice of responsible government.

A greater appreciation of the principles of parliamentary democracy is one of the most effective ways of ensuring the continuing preservation of our system of government. As part of the role of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, the office promotes these principles in an attempt to generate a deeper understanding of our legislature and our system of responsible government. As such, Speakers Roy Boudreau of New Brunswick, Alfie MacLeod of Nova Scotia and Kathleen Casey of Prince Edward Island are in agreement that there is a need for a comprehensive architectural history of their respective legislative assembly buildings that will serve as a guide for visitors and users alike to assist in explaining and interpreting the history, symbolism and uses of their respective buildings in the democratic process.

Ms. Casey is looking forward to the completion of the book:

“Since being elected as Speaker of the House in July 2007, I continue to feel privileged and fortunate to come to work everyday at Province House. The Building embodies such history that one can’t help but be struck by the many contributions made by Islanders in creating and developing our wonderful Province. Many of the decisions that have led to the greatness of PEI and our Island way of life were made right here in this building. I am excited that this important book will be written and made available to Islanders and will serve as an excellent reference for those interested in Province House and in the practice of parliamentary democracy in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

“This month represents the 162nd year that the PEI Assembly has been meeting at Province House and, as one of PEI’s most important and recognizable buildings, it symbolizes our independence and full provincial status within Canada. This book will explore the many common architectural themes shared by legislative assembly buildings and why they were built in the fashion they were. It will interpret such things as why the Legislative Council and House of Assembly Chambers are located on the 2nd floor ... and why very carefully chosen locations within the city were selected as the construction sites. Through the gathering and interpretation of this important historical information, further analysis of our Provincial legislature will be conducted and placed in the proper context – allowing us to even more fully explore and appreciate our system of parliamentary government and the elected Assembly as it continues to serve in representing the best interests of all Prince Edward Islanders.”

The Speakers of the three Maritime provinces’ legislatures are unanimous in fully endorsing the project and look forward to working with, and supporting, Mr. MacNutt as he begins writing, developing and publishing this important work. The Speakers share with the author a dedication to our democratic system of government, and a commitment to the significance of the legislative assembly buildings as the embodiment of the history, traditions and ongoing functioning of democracy.

The book is to be completed by October, 2010.

Media Contact: Charles MacKay