Bridge Inspection Program Identifies Three Structures for Closure or Restriction

* Transportation and Public Works [to Jan 2010]
This week, the Department of Transportation and Public Works identified three bridges, through its bridge inspection program, that will either close to traffic or be subject to restrictions. Closures include the Victoria Causeway Bridge, Route 116 in Victoria-By-The Sea, and the Norring Road Bridge in Augustine Cove. Also, vehicle weight restrictions will be imposed on Gunn’s Bridge, Route 240, in Millvale. These closures and restrictions are necessary to ensure the safety of the travelling public, and they will remain in place until the bridges are either replaced or repaired.

“I’m very pleased to see that our bridge inspection teams continue to identify structures that could potentially impact the safety of road users,” says Minister of Transportation and Public Works Ron MacKinley. “These inspections are vital as we lay out the Department’s priorities in our five-year capital plan.”

Canada’s First Ministers’ recently met with Prime Minister Stephen Harper. At that meeting Premier Robert Ghiz identified the condition of the province’s road infrastructure as one of his major concerns. He imposed on the Prime Minister the importance of Federal assistance in maintaining the integrity of the province’s road network.

“I am hopeful that the Federal government will recognize that, particularly in these economically uncertain times, investment in infrastructure is vital to economic development as well as to public safety,” said Premier Ghiz. “I will continue to lobby our Federal counterparts for assistance to ensure that we have sufficient resources to properly maintain our Provincial infrastructure.”

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague