New Program Launched by the PEI Senior Citizens' Federation

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour Minister Carolyn Bertram, along with the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation, today launched a new program designed to provide artistic outlets for Island seniors.

The Learning Elders Arts Program (LEAP), which is funded by the Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour, will be administered by the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation. The program will create a stimulating and creative environment for Island seniors by providing new artistic experiences focusing on cultural activities and community involvement.

“This program will increase the viability of the arts and give Island seniors more opportunities to develop interest and skills in visual arts, story-telling, performing arts, literary arts and more,” said Minister Bertram. “We are pleased to work with the PEI Senior Citizens' Federation on this project which can improve quality of life and reduce social isolation in both rural and urban areas.”

“The program will enable professional and semi-professional artists to work with local seniors groups and provide an artistic outlet for seniors, as well as to recognize and cultivate the creative experience for members of the older generation,” said the Federation’s Coordinator Faye Pound. “We are very pleased to have a new program which will increase artistic appreciation and curiosity, expand life skills, reinforce personal confidence, encourage face to face interaction and create stimulating environments, just to name a few anticipated benefits.”

The PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation will be accepting proposals for projects under the Learning Elders Arts Program until November 26, 2008.

For more information on the project, or to request a project proposal form, contact Faye Pound at 902-368-9008, toll free at 1-800-368-9008 or by email at Completed project proposal forms will be submitted to the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation, 40 Enman Crescent, Charlottetown PE C1E 1E6.



The Learning Elders Arts Program will enable professional and semi-professional artists to work with local seniors groups by providing an artistic and creative outlet for members of the older generation. The program aims to increase the viability of the arts and provide Island seniors with the necessary tools to help them improve their quality of life and reduce social isolation in both rural and urban areas.

Program funding is available to all active seniors’ groups which are members of the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation, public and private manors, retired professional groups, as well as other seniors groups who meet the criteria.

A maximum of $4,000 will be attributed to any project. Included in the eligible expenses for the Learning Elders Arts Program is the cost of material to carry out the project as well as artist fees (including travel and meals).

The Learning Elders Arts Program is administered by the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation.


The objectives of the Learning Elders Arts Program are to create a stimulating and creative environment as well as provide opportunities for Island seniors to discover various artistic disciplines such as visual arts, story-telling, performing arts, literary arts and other areas (painting, photography, pottery, weaving, film, animation, music, theatre, dance, poetry, history, short stories, etc.).

The purpose of the program is to support initiatives that will help:

• increase artistic appreciation and curiosity

• experience the joy of hands-on activities

• expand life skills and social interaction

• encourage cross-cultural interactions

• reinforce personal confidence

• encourage face-to-face interaction

• create stimulating and creative environments

• develop stronger community ties and personal connections

• collaborate with Island artists to reduce social isolation

• encourage fun and develop a sense of freedom of expression

• provide opportunities for seniors to develop new creative skills

• create artistic experiences to watch and participate in

• stimulate eye and hand coordination and motor skills

• create opportunities for seniors to share their artistic abilities

• create educational experiences through the arts

Eligible clients

All active seniors’ groups that are members of the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation, public and private manors, retired professional groups, as well as other seniors groups which have been operational for at least twelve months are eligible.

Project submission

All groups interested in participating in the Learning Elders Arts Program must submit a proposal to the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation. All proposals must be completed in collaboration with the artist(s).


Proposals must be received by November 26, 2008 and must include the following:

• Information on the professional or semi-professional artist(s)

• Artistic capacities of artist(s) to work with seniors

• Project description

• Financial description

• Role of the group and role of the artist(s)

• Anticipated outcomes

• Commitment to working with the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation.

Project selection

Proposals will be presented to the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation. The assessment will be based on the relevance of the proposed project as described in the assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria

Submitted projects will have to meet the project objectives. Proposals will be evaluated according to the following factors:

• the applicant must clearly demonstrate how the project meets the objectives of the program;

• the project must complement the purpose of the program;

• the project must enhance the community involvement of seniors;

• the project must contain a realistic budget;

• the project must demonstrate a collaboration between the artist(s) and the group;

• the group must have an established identity and have been operational for at least twelve months.

Selection process

This selection process will be carried out by a qualified jury. The jury will be comprised of five to ten individuals: one or two representatives from the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation, a representative from the private and public sector serving seniors, a representative from the PEI Crafts Council, la Fédération culturelle de l’Î.-P.-É. and/or the PEI Council of the Arts and two experienced artists. A scoring grid has been developed to aid with the jurys assessment.

For more information please contact:

Faye Pound

PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation

40 Enman Crescent

Charlottetown PE C1E 1E6

Tel.: 902-368-9008 Toll free: 1-800-368-9008

This program is funded by the Prince Edward Island Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour.

Media Contact: Connie McNeill