Province Encourages Islanders to Contact Patient Registry

* Health [to Jan 2010]
The Provincial Government is asking Islanders who are looking for a family physician and have not previously registered on the Patient Registry to call the Patient Registry number.

The Patient Registry is a list of people who are looking for a family doctor. The Department of Health has been updating the Patient Registry and the results show a significant drop in the number of people who are now waiting for a family doctor. “We are making tremendous progress as we work toward ensuring that every Islander has access to a family physician,” said Premier Robert Ghiz. “We are dealing with the Patient Registry in a timely manner and with new incentives in the Master Agreement, the numbers are dropping. Our hope is that they will continue to do so.”

Six months ago, there were over 5000 Islanders on the list. Due to doctor recruitment and retention efforts and a review of the patient registry, the number of people waiting for a family physician has decreased to approximately 1500 people. Fourteen new physicians will be practising by the end of the year, which will help further improve physician coverage across the Island. The province recently signed a Master Agreement with Island physicians that includes an incentive for taking patients directly from the Patient Registry.

“We are encouraging Islanders who do not yet have a family physician to contact the Patient Registry,” said Health Minister Doug Currie. “To get a more accurate picture of how many people need a family doctor, and to assist those in acquiring one. Islanders who have not previously registered on the Patient Registry should call the Patient Registry number.”

The Department of Health will continue to reassess the Patient Registry to determine where additional doctors may need to be placed in order to best meet the health care needs of Islanders.

Those who do not have a family doctor and have not previously registered on the Patient Registry, can do so by calling 1-800-321-5492.

Media Contact: Maureen Flanagan-LeClair