Age of Entry Cutoff Will Move to December 31 by 2010

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
Gerard Greenan, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development announced today that the age children are required to be when they enter kindergarten and grade one will be revised over a two-year period beginning in September 2009.

Presently children must be five years old by October 31 to enter kindergarten programs and six years old by October 31 to begin school. There will be no further change to the policy this year. The cutoff date for both kindergarten and school entry will remain at October 31 this fall.

In September 2009, the cutoff date for kindergarten entry will move to December 31 while the cutoff date for school entry will remain at October 31.

In September 2010, the cutoff date for both kindergarten and school entry will move to December 31.

“This policy revision will enable children to benefit from kindergarten and school-based learning at an earlier age. It will provide early childhood centres and schools with earlier opportunities to identify children needing support for literacy and learning. It will also put the PEI age of entry in line with policies in most other provinces,” says Minister Greenan.

The decision to move the date to December 31 was announced earlier this year. Following this, government met with partners and conducted an online survey to determine the best way to implement the policy change.

Minister Greenan said the option to phase the policy in over a two-year period was preferred by most people because it can be implemented faster and with less confusion for parents, children and educators.

For Backgrounder, "Age of Entry Policy Implementation," please go to:

Media Contact: Jean Doherty