Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments Invest over $1 Million to Extend Charlottetown Infrastructure

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
Since 1995, the City of Charlottetown has been actively striving to become a fully serviced municipality. Thanks to an investment announced today by federal, provincial and municipal representatives, the city is one step closer to achieving that goal.

Gerald Keddy, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and to the Minister of International Trade; the Honourable Carolyn Bertram, PEI’s Minister of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour; and His Worship Clifford Lee, Mayor of Charlottetown today announced an investment of $1,070,000 toward the Trans Canada Highway – Central Municipal Water & Sewer Extension project.

“Our Government understands the critical role infrastructure plays in economic and social development,” said Parliamentary Secretary Keddy, on behalf of the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of ACOA. “This investment in the Trans Canada Highway – Central Municipal Water and Sewer project will benefit Islanders for years to come.”

This project will enable the City to extend central sewer and water services to the area between the Maypoint intersection and Poplar Island, on both sides of the Trans Canada Highway. Currently, the area is served by on-site septic tanks and water wells, which are in close proximity to the North River.

“Central sewer and water services are an important part of the quality of life in Prince Edward Island and essential for further development in the City,” said Minister Bertram. “We have given water infrastructure a very high priority and we are pleased to be able to help the City of Charlottetown with this important project.”

Through this infrastructure project, the City of Charlottetown will achieve improvements to the water and sanitary service in this area supporting fire protection, domestic water and sanitary services to properties currently serviced by onsite well and septic systems. Central water and sanitary services will also be made available to currently undeveloped lands.

“This extension of sewer and water will benefit not only the operators of businesses on the island, but will allow the City to prepare for investment and development in the area on both sides of the Trans Canada Highway,” said Mayor Lee.

The Trans Canada Highway – Central Municipal Water & Sewer Extension Project is being funded through the Canada-PEI Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF). The costs will be shared equally by the Government of Canada, the Province of Prince Edward Island, and the City of Charlottetown. For more information about infrastructure initiatives in Prince Edward Island, visit www.infrastructure.gc.ca or www.gov.pe.ca/cca

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere