Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover advised today that she has received resignations from the majority of Queens Region Health Board members.
"It is with regret that I accept the resignations of nine Board members, and I extend my thanks to each of these individuals for their valuable contributions to the health system during their terms," she said.
In the absence of the Board, the health minister has assumed authority of the region.
Some of the resignations came late this morning, and the Minister advised that while it is too early to speculate on the future operation of the Board, she is presently identifying the various options for Government to consider.
"We will be looking to resolve the situation as quickly as possible," she said," but we will also want to take the time that is necessary to make the best possible recommendations."
The Minister advised that in the meantime services will continue as usual in the Queens Region. "Chief Executive Officer Gordon MacKay has more than twenty years experience at the senior level in the health system, and I have every confidence in his managerial skills, experience and leadership abilities," she said.
Before coming to the region, Mr. MacKay was provincial director of Child, Family and Community Services, after serving for four years as Chief Executive Officer of the Southern Kings Health Region. Prior to that he was the provincial director of Addictions Services; provincial director of Aging and Extended Care, responsible for the operation of seven government owned nursing homes and manors, the Dr. Eric Found Health Centre, and Hillsborough Hospital; and administrator of Beach Grove Home.
The Minister has contacted staff in the Region to advise them of the Board members' decisions and to ask their cooperation and support to Mr. MacKay in his new position.