Island Poster Featured In 1998 National Environment Calendar

* Fisheries and Environment [to Jul 1998]
Each year the Department of Fisheries and Environment sponsors a poster contest for school children from grades 1-6 on the theme of "Energy and the Environment." Today, Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment, announced the winner of the 1997 contest. Laurie Murtagh of Corran Ban, a student at Grand Tracadie Elementary School, produced the winning poster.

Mr. MacAdam praised Laurie for her entry. "Laurie's poster is a very colourful drawing with the title, "Don't Let Our World Fall Apart, Keep It Clean." These words offer good advice to all of us, and I congratulate Laurie not only for her artwork but also the excellent message she delivered with her poster."

As the provincial winner, Laurie's poster has been submitted to the 1998 Energy and the Environment Calendar produced by Natural Resources Canada. "I am sure all Islanders join me in congratulating Laurie on her winning entry. The calendar features her poster for the month of January, getting the new year off to a great Island start," said Mr. MacAdam. Copies of the calendar are available at all Regional Services Centres, from Island Information Service and the Department of Fisheries and Environment.

Media Contact: Lee Bartley