New Funding Supports Culture and Heritage

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour Minister Carolyn Bertram today announced a number of new funding programs and initiatives to support cultural industries in the province.

“The cultural industries of Prince Edward Island help us understand our history and cultivate our identity as Islanders,” said Minister Bertram. “I am excited to be able to announce significant new arts funding designed to enhance our artistic communities, assist local venues and engage seniors.”

The Minister announced the creation of a new program to assist Island publishers, a doubling of funding for the Island Art Bank and an increase to the funding of Music P.E.I. under the Sound Investment Program. These three initiatives will see new investment of $46,000 in cultural industries.

The Minister also recognized the importance of cultural venues and said, in 2008-2009, the Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour would be providing a total of $130,000 in increased operational funding and special projects to venues providing significant cultural programs and services to their communities. These include: Harbourfront Theatre, Victoria Playhouse, Kings Playhouse, the Guild and the Confederation Centre of the Arts.

The announcement also included a commitment to a $50,000 pilot project to enable professional artists to provide an artistic outlet for seniors. This project will be undertaken with the cooperation of existing organizations and will not require additional provincial staff.

The total new investment in the arts will be more than $200,000 and represents the largest increase to arts funding in several years. The initiatives will be coordinated through staff of the Culture and Heritage division of the Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour, who will work closely with industry associations to develop guidelines for the programs and initiatives.


Support for the publishing, music, and visual arts industries:

• $46,000 to help support publishers who present Island works and Island authors

• acquisitions by the Provincial Art Bank will be increased to support Island artists in a number of fields including visual arts and fine handworks

• support for the Island’s music industry association will be increased to recognize the need for programs to develop artists

• allocation of $130,000 will support increases for performance venues that assist Island talent and host community cultural activities

• funding may support specific initiatives or be linked to financial leveraging opportunities

Enhancing the artistic experience for Seniors:

• $50,000 will draw on the valuable experience of Island seniors in visual arts, story-telling, performance, literary arts and other areas

• similar to “ArtsSmarts” program which links teachers, artists and students in the creative process

• pilot project will enable professional artists to work with seniors to recognize and cultivate the creative experience for members of the older generation

• will be coordinated and offered within the context of established seniors organization

Media Contact: Connie McNeill