Provincial Health System Receives Accreditation Status

* Health [to Jan 2010]
The Department of Health has received national accreditation by the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation (CCHSA). All client programs, services and hospitals in the provincial health system were evaluated during an accreditation survey conducted in the fall of 2007.

“I want to recognize all staff, physicians and volunteers for their dedication to providing high quality health care and for achieving this accreditation,” says Doug Currie, Minister of Health. “The survey results confirm that the programs and services we provide in healthcare facilities across the province are meeting national standards.”

Accreditation is voluntary and takes place every three years as part of the Department of Health's ongoing quality improvement process. The recent survey visit was conducted by 10 surveyors from across the country and included a review of documentation, team interviews, facility tours, and focus group meetings with staff, clients, and community partners.

Accreditation results from CCHSA were organized into six reports. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), Prince County Hospital (PCH) and all services within the Prince Edward Island Department of Health were included in one report. Each of the five community hospitals, which are governed by separate legislation, received individual accreditation reports.

The QEH, PCH and all services within the Department of Health received full accreditation status with report. This finding indicates a requirement to report back to CCHSA to demonstrate progress on a number of recommendations. O’Leary Community Hospital, Kings County Memorial Hospital, Souris Hospital and Stewart Memorial Hospital also received accreditation with report. Western Hospital received accreditation status without a requirement to report back to CCHSA.

An award of accreditation with report is not unusual and is comparable to many jurisdictions in Canada. The CCHSA 2006 Annual Report identified that 71 percent of healthcare organizations across the country received accreditation with report.

“The accreditation results provide us with valuable feedback,” said Minister Currie. “The results show us where our strengths are and also provides us with valuable recommendations for ongoing improvement.“

In the recommendations from CCHSA, three common themes emerged across the provincial healthcare system, including: Patient Safety, Infection Control and Medication Practices. Quality teams will develop work plans for each of the recommendations that need to be addressed and follow-up reports will be sent to CCHSA to demonstrate progress.

The survey results also identified many strengths in the Island healthcare system. The Department of Health is recognized for implementing best practices, improving integration and standardizing processes in several areas. CCHSA also commended the department for its efforts in building strong community partnerships, and for the positive work life culture that exists throughout the health system.

This is the first accreditation survey since the Department has become a provincial health system. CCHSA commended the Department of Health for significant progress made since the last survey in 2004.

CCHSA is a national, non-profit, independent organization whose role is to help health service organizations across Canada and internationally, examine and improve the quality of care and service they provide to their clients.

Media Contact: Maureen Flanagan-LeClair