Heritage Study Will Seek Input from Islanders

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
Islanders are going to be given the opportunity to participate in a new study designed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges facing heritage in Prince Edward Island. Hon. Carolyn Bertram, Minister of the Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour announced today that the Iris Group of Stratford has been selected as the consultant to conduct a comprehensive study and make recommendations to address needs in the heritage sector.

Minister Bertram expressed her hopes that Islanders would take advantage of the opportunities for public participation and provide input into the study. “This is the first overall look at our local heritage for several decades, and I want Islanders to let us know what they think is important to protect and preserve in the province,” she said. “We all value our heritage but we need to establish priorities for action which reflect the desires and needs of Islanders.”

The Minister said previous studies focussed on specific institutions or initiatives but an overall comprehensive review is long overdue. “This study will look at a wide range of heritage issues,” she said. “It will look at our tangible heritage: artifacts, buildings and cultural landscapes. It will look at our natural heritage associated with landforms, plants and animals. Finally, it will look at our intangible heritage including folklore, customs, music and language.”

The Iris Group will be holding public meetings across the Island in O’Leary, the Evangeline area, Summerside, Hunter River, Charlottetown, Montague and Souris. The study will also include meetings with stakeholder and focus groups, and about 25 interviews with key individuals in the heritage sector. An opportunity for additional public input will be provided through creation of an online forum or “blog” so that the public can engage in an open discussion of heritage issues.

Complete details on public forums and online participation opportunities will be announced in the near future by the Iris Group. Study results, including recommendations for action, are expected to be presented to government early in June 2008.

Media Contact: Connie McNeill