Government Identifies Wood Islands Hill as Its Preferred Location for the New Montague High School

* Education [to Apr 2008]
The provincial government has identified a parcel of land on Wood Islands Hill as its preferred site for the new Montague Regional High School.

The property is located within the Town of Montague and it is owned by the Town. Situated to the west and down the hill from the Aquatic Centre, it is accessed from the Valleyfield Road.

The site was identified based on the recommendations of the Eastern School District that the school be a new facility of approximately 110,000 square feet with safe access, adequate green space and ready access to municipal services.

“The Wood Islands Hill site is a good choice for a variety of reasons,” says Premier Robert Ghiz. “It meets all of the school board recommendations. It is on a good road that can provide safe access for school buses and students. It is located a short distance from other schools and facilities, and the land can be developed at a reasonable cost,” he said.

Education Minister Gerard Greenan said construction planning will resume early in the new year, provided that an agreement can be reached by January 15, 2008 with the Town of Montague to transfer the land to the provincial government. “We are all anxious to get on with the planning process,” he said. “The Wood Islands Hill site is a beautiful property that can provide an appropriate background for a modern and spacious facility that will meet the educational needs of students for years to come.”

The total cost of the new school project is expected to be $22 million. Approximately $7.4 million has been allocated in the 2008-2009 capital budget for planning and construction.

Media Contact: Jean Doherty