Prince Edward Island is hosting a major international conference and workshop on lobster biology and management from September 23 to 28 in Charlottetown. The 8th international conference is expected to attract more than 250 delegates from around the world. The conference is being co-hosted by the Prince Edward Island Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Lobster Science Centre of the Atlantic Veterinary College.
“Prince Edward Island is proud and excited to be hosting such a significant international event which features discussions on our leading fishery,” said Allan Campbell, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture. “This is a unique opportunity for scientists, fisheries managers, fishers and other industry participants from across Atlantic Canada to network with their international peers and to establish research and other areas of co-operation.”
Mr. Campbell said that not nearly enough is known about lobster biology and management. He is hopeful the conference will lead to a better understanding of the fishery, which accounts for more than $110 million in annual landings in Prince Edward Island.
On Thursday, September 27, the conference will feature an industry day with presentations on lobster biology and management from Canadian, United States, Australian, New Zealand, European and South African perspectives. During the conference, delegates will be given the opportunity to examine first-hand a number of aspects of the Prince Edward Island lobster fishery. Tours are also being organized.
“The lobster fishery throughout the world is quite diversified,” said Barry MacPhee, manager of marine fisheries with the department and one of the conference organizers. “We hope to add to our knowledge of the fishery in this region by sharing research and information with scientists, fishers and fisheries management officials from around the world.”
The last international conference was held in Tasmania in 2004, during which organizers accepted an invitation to hold this year’s event in Prince Edward Island.
The sessions will take place at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown. Additional conference information can be found at