Education Minister Gerard Greenan says students and teachers have many new and exciting resources to enjoy as they head back to class today.
“We are introducing a wide range of new curricula this year to boost student learning,” he said. “We are also offering many new and improved support services to enhance the teaching and learning environment.”
New curricula is being offered this year in several key areas such as social studies, science and math. The provincial curriculum describes what students should be able to know and do in a subject area at a certain grade level.
“The curriculum includes much more than the content of a textbook,” said Minister Greenan. “Other resources such as online tutorials, student learning activities and assessment strategies are also used to engage students and help them achieve the learning outcomes described in the curriculum.”
The Prince Edward Island curriculum is developed and continuously updated by Department of Education staff in cooperation with Island teachers. They work closely with other provinces to ensure that what Island students are learning is similar to what students are learning in Atlantic Canada and across the country.
Among the many enhanced student services offered this year is a central support service for immigrant students. Well over 100 new students from other countries are already enrolled in Island schools this year. These students will be able to visit the new centre at St. Jean Elementary School where specialized staff help to determine the supports they will need to help them succeed in school.
Transportation services have been enhanced by the purchase of 21 new school buses which are on the road today.
Student literacy and library services will be improved with the purchase of over 10,000 new books for school libraries this year.
Children will benefit from the services of four new speech language pathologists who will be added during the year to work exclusively with school-aged children.
Funding for family literacy grants will double to $30,000 this year. These grants are used to fund projects that bring children, parents, kindergarten or school staff together to improve literacy and numeracy skills.
For more helpful back-to-school information, visit the Department of Education website at
New 07-08 Curriculum and Classroom Resources
Grades 1 to 6 Mental Math Resources
These new resources include guides for teaching mental math in each elementary grade. Mental math involves doing mental calculation and estimation. It is a key area of mathematical knowledge. When children develop good mental math skills at an early age, they find math easier and they engage further in math. Mental math is an area where parents feel comfortable to help their children learn.
Grade 1 Literacy Resources
The new early literacy resource, “Literacy Place for the Early Years” supports effective instruction for Grade 1 students in reading, writing and oral language. Produced in Canada and based on the most current research, it includes literature, lively CDs, poetry and how-to books that immerse children in learning through real life experiences. It will be in every Grade 1 English class this year.
Grade 2 Social Studies Curriculum
This new curriculum includes beautiful new books and resources to help children learn about change in the world and how they contribute to change. The curriculum guides student learning of history and geography through fun and practical opportunities to discover how people, technology, economics and the environment influence the world.
Grade 3 and 4 Math Curriculum for French First Language and French Immersion Students
A new math curriculum and resources will be implemented in all French First language and French Immersion Grades 3 and 4 classes. This follows a successful pilot last year. The new curriculum is designed to develop students’ understanding of math.
Grade 6 Reading Comprehension Resource
This new assessment tool will help teachers determine how well Grade 6 students are understanding what they are reading and what further instruction is needed. New teaching strategies to improve reading comprehension are also provided. Prince Edward Island teachers were very active in developing this new Atlantic Canada resource which includes strategies and a five-piece text set.
Grade 6 Social Studies Curriculum
This is an exciting new PEI History curriculum with a textbook entitled “Exploring the Island: Discovering Prince Edward Island History.” Students will actively engage in learning about the people of Prince Edward Island and the events that contributed to our historical development. The new textbook was produced in Prince Edward Island by the Department of Education with the assistance of writer, Deirdre Kessler and graphic designer Ken Shelton and illustrator Natasha Kudashkina. A consultation process included teachers, as well as reviewers Edward MacDonald, Georges Arsenault, and Tammy MacDonald. Available in both English and French, the new curriculum will be officially launched this fall.
Grade 7 to 9 Health Curriculum
The new “Health for Life” intermediate health curriculum focuses on wellness choices, relationship choices and life-learning choices. It includes a new core text in grades 7 and 8 and several new Grade 9 resources.
Grade 11 Law Curriculum
The new curriculum for both Law 521A and Law 531A introduces students to the basics of Canadian law. The new core resources feature new textbooks, a companion website and additional teaching resources.
Grade 11 and 12 Geography Curriculum
The new curriculum for Geography 521A and 621A focuses on geographic inquiry methods, physical and cultural patterns of the world, globalization, sustainability and active citizenship. New resources include textbooks with companion websites, atlases and new modules to support program outcomes based on PEI Farmers Helping Farmers work in Kenya.
Grade 11 and 12 Biology
New academic Biology curriculum at grades 11 (Biology 521A) and 12 (Biology 621A) is aligned with the pan Canadian curriculum outcomes. It shares a common curriculum framework with other Atlantic Canada provinces. New local PEI Biology curriculum (Human Biology 801A) at the Grade 11/12 combined level addresses topics such as nutrition, genetics and human body systems.
Grade 11 and 12 Applied Mathematics
A new local PEI Mathematics curriculum (Applied Mathematics 801A) is available to Grade 11 and 12 students in both the academic and general streams. It will be of particular interest to students interested in the trades. This brand new trades-related course delivers mathematics content through an active hands-on-minds-on approach involving many trades-related contexts.
Grade 11 and 12 Music Appreciation Course
The “Styles of Popular Music” course will be available in all high schools for the first time this year. Offered to Grade 11 and 12 students, this very popular course guides the study of music appreciation of the popular music of the 50s, 60s and 70s.
Grade 11 and 12 Cooperative Work Curriculum
The co-op program and courses offered to students in Grade 11 and 12 have been revised and updated this year. This course provides students with career and work- related experiences in a classroom component as well as in the community.