Know The Risks In Your Community, Emergency Preparedness Week 1997 Drawing Contest Winners Announced

The Hon. P. Mitchell Murphy, Minister of Community Affairs and Attorney General, today announced the winners of the drawing contest held in conjunction with Emergency Preparedness Week 1997. The provincial first, second and third place winners included Denver Macleod, Murray River; Robyn Jackson, Murray River North; and David Jordan, Beach Point. All students attend the Southern Kings Consolidated School in Murray River.

The contest was open to elementary school students attending grades four through six in Canada. Participants were asked to illustrate the theme of "Know the Risks in Your Community." The Prince Edward Island winners were selected by a panel of judges representing Emergency Preparedness Canada and the Emergency Measures Organization, Department of Community Affairs and Attorney General.

"I congratulate Denver, Robyn and David as well as all students who submitted entries," said Mr. Murphy. "The diversity of the drawings indicates that our students are well aware of the natural and man-made disasters that can occur in their communities."

Emergency Preparedness Canada has invited the first place winner from each jurisdiction to Ottawa next May to launch Emergency Preparedness Week '98 and participate in the formal unveiling of the national winner's drawing. The winner's drawing will be featured on the official poster for Emergency Preparedness Week '98, May 4-10, 1998.

For more information contact: Glenda Rodd, Emergency Measures Organization, Department of Community Affairs and Attorney General atn (902) 888-8052

Media Contact: Island Information Service