Information Hotline Available for Potato Producers

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
The Department of Agriculture is once again offering a potato pest alert information hotline for all potato producers. Timely information on pest levels is collected twice weekly and more frequently as required. Potato pest information, including the late blight index and aphid levels, are collected from federal and provincial department staff, potato inspectors and potato crop scouts. This information is available on a 24-hour code-a-phone line at 368-5658 or toll-free at 1-800-658-1805. All potato producers and field workers are encouraged to use the 24-hour pest update service. The first report for the 2007 growing season was completed on June 28 and reports will continue until the harvest period.

The 2007 potato crop is up, hilled and pre-emergence herbicides have been applied. Finally, there is adequate moisture and warm temperatures which will quickly stimulate plant growth. Potato producers are encouraged to scout their fields frequently throughout the potato growing season for all potato pests.

As well, the department is again offering a plant disease diagnostic service for farmers, agri-business, agricultural extension staff and the general public. The objective of the program is to help clients identify problems and provide information to control them, if possible, and to prevent any recurrence. Most of the crops dealt with include potatoes, cereals, fruit crops and cole crops.

Samples can be submitted directly to the plant disease diagnostic laboratory located at the Potato Services building in Kensington, or through the Access P.E.I. offices. Disease diagnosis can usually be determined within a week. For potato foliar diseases, such as late blight, the turn-around time is immediate to 24 hours depending on the sample submitted.

“This service is here for all farmers and agri-business representatives and utilizing the laboratory helps take the guess work out of solving problems,” says plant diagnostician, Marleen Clark. “An accurate disease diagnosis can actually save farmers money.” All sample results are followed up with a written laboratory report and the appropriate control measures.

For more information about these services please contact Marleen Clark at

(902) 836-8922.

Media Contact: Marleen Clark