Premier Robert Ghiz announced today that the First Session of the Sixty-third General Assembly of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island will officially open on Friday, July 6, 2007, at 4 p.m.
“The first day of a new session following a general election is full of ceremony and tradition,” said Premier Ghiz. “It’s an opportunity to reflect on the trust the people of Prince Edward Island have given us.”
All Members elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly will swear, or solemnly affirm, the Oath of Allegience to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at 3 p.m., prior to taking their seats in the Legislative Chamber for the first time. This is a requirement of the Constitution Acts, 1867, and will be administered by the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in the Confederation Chamber at Province House.
After taking the Oath of Allegience, the Members proceed to the Legislative Chamber. Their first order of business is the election of a Speaker. A secret ballot election will be held if there is more than one candidate seeking the position; otherwise, a Speaker will be chosen by acclamation. The Speaker of this General Assembly will be only the 40th individual to serve in the capacity since Prince Edward Island joined Canada in 1873.
Once the result is announced, the new Speaker is escorted by both the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition to the Speaker’s chair. One of the time-honoured customs of the day is that the new Speaker will pretend to resist them, in recognition of the demands of the position. Wearing the black robe and tricorn hat, the Speaker stands and thanks all the Members for electing him or her. Then the Deputy Speaker and Sergeant-at-Arms are appointed by motions usually moved by the Premier and seconded by the Leader of the Opposition.
The Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman, will be present to officially approve the Legislative Assembly’s choice of Speaker. Following this, the Speaker’s first duty is to claim ancient rights and privileges for all Members. These rights date back hundreds of years and include the right to freedom of speech in debate.
It is anticipated that the Legislative Assembly will be adjourned at the end of this brief ceremony.
The public is welcome to attend the election of Speaker and opening of the session. Proceedings will be carried live on the Assembly’s website at . The introduction and consideration of a budget will not occur at this brief sitting but will be considered on the resumption of the session later in the summer or early fall.