“Be Wise: Protect Yourself from Financial Abuse and Fraud” theme of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2007 in Prince Edward Island

* Social Services and Seniors [to Jan 2010]
Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Prince Edward Island and around the world. Locally, activities are taking place to raise awareness about the most common form of abuse of older persons in Prince Edward Island - financial abuse.

“Every person, no matter how young or how, old deserves to be safe from harm,” said Casey McGanon, co-chair of the PEI committee. “This year, our message to seniors, family members and service providers is understand what constitutes financial abuse, know the signs and symptoms to look for and know the steps that can be taken to prevent financial abuse and fraud.”

According to the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, abuse of older adults is any action that harms an older person or jeopardizes the person’s health or welfare. Financial abuse is the misuse of an older person’s funds or property through fraud, trickery or force. It can include unauthorized cashing of cheques; overcharging an older person for room and board or small services; trying to persuade an older person to give up control of finances; attempting to influence changes to a will; trying to make an older person give up something of value or to sign over personal possessions; or selling possessions without permission.

“Every person deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of age,” said Richard Savidant, co-chair of the PEI World Elder Abuse Awareness Day committee. “If an older person is experiencing abuse or neglect, or if you suspect that an older adult is being harmed or mistreated, help is available.”

In fact, there were 147 referrals to adult protection services in 2006 according to the PEI Department of Health ; 69 per cent of these referrals were for persons over 65.

The PEI World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Committee was spearheaded by the PEI Seniors Secretariat and Dr. Judy Lynn Richards, PEI representative of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Co-chairs for 2007 are Casey McGannon, Home Instead Senior Care and Richard Savidant, Seniors’ United Network and Federal Superannuates National Association-PEI.

Background - Where to Go For Help

• In the event of an emergency, call 911.

• To report abuse or suspected abuse, call police, RCMP or Adult Protection Services. (See http://www.gov.pe.ca/infopei/index.php3?number=20310&lang=E for a full listing of Adult Protection Services offices in PEI).

• For information about abuse of older persons, visit www.gov.pe.ca/seniors and click on the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day logo or contact the PEI Seniors’ Secretariat at (902) 569-0588 or send an e-mail to seniors@gov.pe.ca.

• To book a presentation for a community organization on abuse of older persons or financial abuse and fraud, contact the PEI Seniors’ Secretariat.

Media Contact: Verna Lynne Weeks