Activity Starts on New West Prince Hospital Site

* Health [to Jan 2010]
Albert Bernard, Chair of the West Prince Hospital Planning Committee, announced today that signs have been erected at the Bloomfield location of the facility, some survey work will take place immediately and preliminary work will start in August of this year.

“There is a lot of work going on to determine the role and develop the master program for the new hospital, but it is good to see this preliminary work taking place on site as well,” said Bernard.

The planning committee is in the midst of facilitating a role study and master program for the new hospital. The study will determine the most appropriate use for the hospital and develop a master program to implement that direction. It is expected to be completed by late spring of this year.

In August, preliminary site work will begin with the establishment of a road on the property. “Construction of the road will provide site access required by the contractors during construction of the new hospital,” said Foster Millar, Director of Public Works and Planning for the PEI Department of Public Works.

The Chiefs of Staffs at the hospitals in Alberton and O’Leary are elated by the start of activity. “After many years of frustration, I think we are on the right track now,” said Dr. Baldev Sethi, Chief of Staff at Western Hospital. “l am looking forward to providing improved services to the residents of West Prince, including access to physicians at the emergency room and at the clinics in our communities.”

Dr. Herb Dickieson, Chief of Staff at Community Hospital, echoed those comments and noted the benefit the new hospital will have for both staff and patients. “The combined efforts of a unified West Prince health care team will benefit physicians, staff and the patients they serve,” said Doctor Dickieson.

Media Contact: Rod Stanley