Calgary is slated as the site of a major marketing initiative March 31 to April 27, 2007, to promote Prince Edward Island as an ideal vacation destination to this new and affluent market. Tourism PEI and the Tourism Advisory Council have created a unique consumer promotion to make PEI “top-of-mind” to Calgarians from a tourism and economic development perspective.
Calgary has reached more than one million residents and they now boast the highest income per capita in Canada. Increased air access to Prince Edward Island means that connections can easily be made through Toronto or Montreal direct to the Island and statistics say that Albertans like to travel. In 2005, Albertan travellers took an average of six leisure trips, and the tourism industry on PEI would like to make sure that future travel plans include our Island.
“We’re looking forward to introducing the people of Calgary to our Island and giving them a chance to experience positive and authentic pieces of PEI right there in their own city,” said Honourable Philip Brown, Minister of Tourism. “This event will show them what great tourism products we have and encourage them to consider us as their vacation destination. It’s a great promotion in an emerging market for our industry.”
The promotion sets out to increase vacation bookings and visitor arrivals by providing Calgarians with a truly unique PEI experience allowing them to touch, taste and feel Prince Edward Island through various activities.
“Increased air access to western Canada over the past few years has created an opportunity for Prince Edward Island to attract visitors from Alberta,” said Michelle Thompson, Chair of the Tourism Advisory Council Marketing Committee. “This venture will showcase our Island and encourage residents of Alberta to consider Prince Edward Island as their next vacation destination. We see it as a great opportunity to broaden our traditional tourism market.”
Tourism operators interested in partnering in the Calgary Promotion can contact Tourism PEI (902-368-5949) before February 23, 2007. The effects of the media coverage, personal contact with Calgarians, literature distribution, and resulting visitors to PEI will be evaluated to determine the success of the program. Prince Edward Island is ready to welcome Albertans to “Experience PEI.”