New Publication Looks at Development of ADLIC

* Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture [to Jun 2007]
The origin and development of the Atlantic Dairy Livestock Improvement Corporation (ADLIC) is now available in a new publication written by Cornelius Aten of Springvale, Prince Edward Island. ADLIC is a producer-run organization which provides Atlantic dairy producers with complete milk recording and herd management services. It was established in 1988.

Aten, who spent more than 30 years in the dairy industry, was a charter member of the organization, and served for 15 years as a member of the board and as chair. He prepared the publication to increase awareness of the importance of ADLIC to the dairy industry in the region.

“The publication came about as a result of a request to write an article about ADLIC on the occasion of its 15th anniversary,” said Mr. Aten. “I soon came to the conclusion that a more compete overview was needed on how and why ADLIC was created in the first place, and what a tremendous contribution it has made to the dairy industry.”

The publication details the reasons why ADLIC came into being, and looks at the development of its various programs and services. It also provides a detailed source of information on how various milk recording programs evolved in Canada. The organization currently serves close to 600 dairy herds.

“ADLIC is so important to the dairy industry in this region,” said Mr. Aten. “It provides a total management package to dairy producers which better enables them to make decisions to improve the productivity and quality of their herds.”

Mr. Aten recently presented a copy of the publication to Prince Edward Island Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Jim Bagnall. Copies are available from the ADLIC office in Moncton.

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon