Functional Plan of Phase 1 Redevelopment of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital

* Health [to Jan 2010]
Chester Gillan, Minister of Health today announced that Resource Planning Group Inc., a Canadian-based company with extensive healthcare industry consulting experience, has been selected as the successful bidder to carry out consulting services required for the functional programming associated with Phase I of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) Redevelopment project.

“I am very pleased that we are now ready to move forward with the functional programming stage,” said Minister Gillan. “This will identify the equipment and staffing requirements and also lay out the detail necessary for the architectural design and construction phase of this exciting project.”

Proposals were received and evaluated from three consultant firms. Resource Planning Group Inc. was awarded the contact for the functional programming plan which will be completed as quickly as possible and no later than the winter of 2007.

Premier Pat Binns announced the approval of the $47 million Phase 1 QEH Redevelopment in May of this year. The project will be implemented in two phases and Phase 1 will be designed and developed over the next several years.

Phase 1 focuses on enhancements to the Emergency Department, Ambulatory Care and Day Surgery Services which will help reduce the growth in demand for in-patient beds that otherwise would have occurred. Redevelopment of the facility also aims to assist with reducing Emergency Department wait times and the wait times for some surgeries. Additionally, the project will include essential upgrades to support services such as Laundry, Materials Management and Central Supply.

“The redevelopment of the QEH is a true team effort between Government, hospital staff and volunteers, physicians, planning consultants and other external partners,” noted Minister Gillan. “Today’s announcement marks another milestone in our plan toward meeting the most pressing needs of the QEH and its client populations as we move ahead on this significant project.”

Media Contact: Darlene Gillis