The Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry issued a reminder today that all ground hemlock buyers, buying stations and harvesters must be licensed by the Province if they wish to operate during the upcoming harvest season.
Under Ground Hemlock Regulations implemented last April, the ground hemlock harvest season runs from August 15 to April 30. To be eligible for a licence, those involved in the commercial harvest of ground hemlock must complete mandatory training programs and apply to the department for a licence. The only exception is for landowners who harvest on their own lands. In addition to completing mandatory training, buyers must provide the names of those operating buying stations on their behalf, as well as the locations where harvested ground hemlock will be stored.
“This will enable enforcement staff to identify legal buying stations as well as those which are not in compliance with the regulations,” noted Kate MacQuarrie, Director of the Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division.
Buyers will also be required to keep records of who they buy ground hemlock from, how much was acquired, and when and where it was harvested. All harvested ground hemlock must meet set standards to ensure sustainability. Buyers or harvesters who contravene the standards may be subject to fines, loss of licence or both.
“It is hoped that these regulations will provide a level playing field for everyone in the industry, protect the interests of landowners, and ensure the sustainability of this important non-timber forest product,” concluded Ms. MacQuarrie.
A Ground Hemlock Buyers’ Course is being offered in Hunter River on August 2 and 3, with a Harvester’s Course at the same location on Saturday, August 5. Interested buyers and harvesters can register by calling (902) 368-4700. For more information on the new Ground Hemlock Regulations, visit: