Home gardeners are being asked to help prevent the spread of late blight into commercial fields. Because of current weather conditions, the late blight index is high for all areas of Prince Edward Island, and several cases have been reported.
Late blight is a fungal disease that is easily spread from home gardens. The disease affects plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. It will appear as a greenish-black wet patch on leaves. The disease is devastating for infected crops.
Home gardeners are advised to help prevent the disease by using fungicides registered for use in gardens. Infected plants should be immediately removed and buried, or placed in a plastic bag and allowed to break down under sunlight.
The cooperation of home gardeners will help control this disease, which is one of the major threats to the Prince Edward Island potato industry.
For inquiries or assistance, call the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture at 1-866-PEI-FARM.