Courses for Islanders involved in the commercial harvest of ground hemlock (Taxus canadensis) will be offered across PEI this summer. Under new regulations, everyone involved in the commercial harvest, purchase, or export of ground hemlock must complete courses on sustainable harvest practices and then become licensed to harvest the plant. The only exception is for landowners who harvest ground hemlock on their own lands.
Throughout July and August, Ground Hemlock Harvester’s Courses will be offered in several Island communities. The first courses will be offered in O’Leary, followed by more in Richmond, St. Peters, Murray River and Hunter River. Each one-day course includes classroom presentations on the harvester’s obligations under the new regulations, as well as topics such as record-keeping, landowner contracts, and safe work practices. The afternoon is spent in the forest practising proper pruning techniques, followed by a field exam which ensures that the students understand the new requirements. Successful candidates will receive their harvesters certificate and may apply for a licence to harvest ground hemlock in PEI.
Ground hemlock is a small evergreen shrub from the Yew family that grows on the forest floor in northeastern North America. The bark and foliage contain chemical compounds called taxanes which are used in a variety of cancer-fighting drugs. The interest in ground hemlock arose when the original source, the western yew which grows in the Pacific northwest, was almost wiped out by unsustainable harvesting practices.
When the ground hemlock harvest season opens on August 15, 2006, commercial harvesters and buyers will be required to meet new training, record-keeping, and licensing standards. They must report information such as the harvest location, property number, date, and volume harvested, as well as provide a signed contract to prove they have the right to harvest on the lands in question. These standards also apply to ground hemlock buyers and buying stations. However, landowners who harvest on their own lands can sell their own material by simply providing the buying station with proper identification, such as their driver's licence, and proof of ownership such as a recent property tax bill.
The cost of the one-day Ground Hemlock Harvester’s Course is $40, payable at the door. Interested students must pre-register by contacting the Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division at (902) 368-4700. A Ground Hemlock Buyer’s Course will also be held in Hunter River on August 2- 3, 2006. For a copy of the Ground Hemlock Regulations go to