Even though they have good intentions, Islanders are reminded that they should not try to “rescue” what looks like orphaned wildlife.
Randy Dibblee, a biologist with the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry, said provincial wildlife officials have received numerous calls in recent weeks from people concerned about young birds or animals that appear to be on their own. He is quick to point out that does not necessarily mean the animal is abandoned.
“Wildlife will often leave their young unattended for several hours or more while they forage for food, but in most cases the adult is nearby and quite aware of her young. Handling these animals or removing them from their natural environment exposes them to unnecessary stress,” Mr. Dibblee said.
“Such actions also violate PEI’s Wildlife Policy which prohibits the keeping of native wildlife in captivity. If Islanders encounter young birds and mammals, the best way they can help is to leave them alone.”
Mr. Dibblee said there are instances where young animals are orphaned through accidental death or natural predation. Each year, far more young are produced than is necessary to maintain the population of each wildlife species. This high birth rate must be balanced by an equally high mortality rate. Predation and even accidents are natural and necessary processes to ensure the long-term health of wildlife populations.
Mr. Dibblee cautioned that people who pick up fledgling birds and young mammals may be risking their own health. Handling wild animals increases exposure to bites and pathogens such as parasites, bacteria and viral organisms.
For more information on wildlife in Prince Edward Island, please contact the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry at (902) 368-4666.