With the exception of a conservation measure on the Wilmot River, Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry Jamie Ballem has announced there will be no change in the angling regulations for 2006.
Earlier this year, about 25 recreational fishing, wildlife conservation and watershed groups recommended several changes to angling regulations. The proposed changes have prompted lots of public discussion on the future of the recreational fishery. Minister Ballem said he wants to see more of that.
“Island anglers are passionate about their sport. They have first-hand knowledge of the changes in fish and fish habitat over the years, and many of them volunteer considerable time protecting and enhancing the resource,” said Minister Ballem. “We want to take the time and give anglers every opportunity to share their views before considering whether changes in the regulations are needed to ensure a healthy fishery into the future – and if so, what fisheries management measures would be most effective.”
Minister Ballem said the one change the department will implement for this angling season is a reduction in the daily catch limit on the Wilmot River from 10 to six trout. This is a conservation measure to allow trout populations on the Wilmot River to recover to levels seen prior to the two fish kills in 2002.
As the next step in seeking input from anglers on the management of the recreational fishery, Minister Ballem said his department will include a postage-paid, mail-in survey in the 2006 Angling Summary. The survey will include questions on four general areas of proposed changes: the daily catch limit, the opening of the season, fishing gear, and measures to protect large trout. The survey will also ask anglers their opinions on how the Wildlife Conservation Fund licence fees should be used, and gather general information on where and when they fish, their method of fishing, and how many fish they catch and keep.
“I strongly encourage anglers to complete the survey. It will only take a couple of minutes to fill in, but the results could play a big role in setting the direction for the management of the recreational fishery for years to come,” said Minister Ballem.
The 2006 Angling Summary will be available in early April at all locations that sell angling licences. Meanwhile, the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry is looking at other ways to allow anglers to share their views including a telephone survey.
Prince Edward Island sees several benefits from the recreational fishery. Angling contributes to healthy lifestyles and results in significant economic spinoffs, with $3.6 million in spending directly attributable to the recreational fishery. Anglers also play an important role in ensuring fish populations and fish habitat remain healthy – through volunteer work as well as licence purchases which provide funding for the Wildlife Conservation Fund.
Recreational Fisheries Survey
Representatives from 25 recreational fishing, wildlife conservation and watershed groups recommended several changes to the provincial angling regulations to the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry in early 2006. The department will be seeking input from anglers over the next several months to help determine what, if any, changes will be made to the provincial angling in 2007. The following provides some background on the key issues that will be discussed in coming months.
Creel (Daily Catch) Limit
The daily catch limit for trout is 10 on most rivers. There is currently a special management zone on the Trout River in Coleman in which the creel limit is set at six rather than 10 trout per day. Other rivers may have reduced creel limits to allow fish populations to recover following a fish kill. Placing a limit on the number of fish allowed to be harvested each day is a means of limiting the total harvest of trout, and of distributing the catch amongst the angling population. Anglers will be asked what they believe the creel limit should be and whether it should be the same for all rivers across the province or reduced in those areas where over-harvest is believed to be a problem.
Angling Season
With some exceptions, the angling season for trout traditionally opens April 15 and closes September 15. Currently, the Trout River in Coleman is the only river where the season opening is delayed until May 1. Trout which spend time in saltwater migrate from the river to estuaries and bays in early April. Other trout overwinter in these saltwater areas. In April, these “sea trout” feed vigorously on the abundance of food found in coastal areas, their growth rate is accelerated and their flesh becomes firm and pink – these are the fish most prized by anglers. Some anglers believe that until the trout have had a chance to “fatten up,” they are more vulnerable to angling and there is potential for over-harvest. These anglers prefer to see the opening of the season delayed up to two weeks. Other anglers believe that trout feed more actively when the water temperature increases, thus delaying the season would actually increase harvest. Anglers will be asked whether opening day should stay the same; be delayed until May 1 throughout the province; or be delayed in rivers where there is intensive angling pressure.
Trophy Trout
Currently, anglers are allowed to retain one large trout (40 centimetres or 16 inches) per day. It is these large trout that are the most valuable broodstock. Trout produce approximately 1,200 eggs per pound, therefore one four-pound fish is equivalent to eight half-pound trout. These big fish are genetically suited to survive in a particular river and it is important to have them there to spawn in autumn. Anglers will be asked their opinions on whether reducing the size limit would be acceptable to protect broodstock, or whether another method such as the use of trout tags should be implemented. Under this system, trout greater than a certain length would have to be tagged and anglers would be restricted to a certain number of trout tags per year.
Using hooks without barbs, even when fishing with bait, can greatly improve the survival of fish caught and released. Studies have shown that the mortality rate when fishing with bait on a barbed hook is roughly 30%. This drops to approximately 8% for bait on barbless hooks. Angling mortality using barbed lures and flies is approximately 5% and falls to 2.5% using barbless hooks. Anglers will be asked whether they use barbless hooks and whether they support mandatory use of barbless hooks.