Popular Youth Technology Program Available Again

The Morell Region Community Learning Centre will be once again administering the Youth of the Digital Age Program, an initiative of Technology PEI. Through this program, young people learn the necessary skills to create a website.

The program will operate out of five elementary schools using their computer labs. More than 25 young adults will be employed as technical coaches or facilitators. Each youth participating in the program will receive an HTML textbook resource for the duration of the program.

Morell Region Community Learning Centre is now accepting applications for host schools. Elementary students are invited to take part as participants, high school students as technical coaches, and post-secondary students as program facilitators.

The deadline for host school applications is Friday, September 30, 2005. On October 5, 2005, The Community Centre will be accepting applications for facilitators and technical coaches. Deadline for these applications is October 12, 2005.

Once schools have been selected as host sites, their contact information will be posted on the Technology PEI website. Participants can become involved by contacting their school directly or the closest host school in their area.

Applications are available on-line at www.techpei.com under the Community Interests link, or by contacting Julie Kenny at The Morell Region Community Learning Centre at 961-2642 or email at mrclc@eastlink.ca.

Youth of the Digital Age is an initiative of Technology PEI, the Government’s lead agency in the development, adoption and use of information technologies in business and community in the province.

Media Contact: Julie Whitlock