Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Kevin MacAdam is pleased Federal Minister Andy Mitchell is recognizing the hardship felt by Canadian farmers due to record low commodity prices through the introduction of the Farm Income Payment Program.
“Today’s announcement of $1 billion for Canadian agriculture will be welcomed by Island farmers who are preparing for another cropping season,” said Minister MacAdam. The Provincial Department of Agriculture will spend the next few days in consultations with the federal government working out details on how the funds will be made available to producers. Departmental staff will also be in consultation with Island producer groups. It is expected that cash will be in the hands of producers over the next several weeks.
Given the state of Provincial finances, Minister MacAdam was not optimistic that the province would be able to offer any additional assistance. He noted that the Province has invested over $10,000,000 directly in farm safety net programs during fiscal year 2004-2005 alone. A similar response is expected from a number of other provinces.
Although today’s announcement is a welcome one and offers support to our Island producers, Minister MacAdam expressed concern over the lack of consultation by the federal government with the provinces in the development of the Farm Income Payment Program.
“It is important that all levels of government work together to move farmers past the current challenges,” the Minister added.