Rose Steps Aside as PEI's First Information and Privacy Commissioner

Hon. Greg Deighan, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, announced today that Karen Rose will be stepping aside as Prince Edward Island’s first Information and Privacy Commissioner. Ms. Rose, appointed to a five-year term in November, 2002, cited personal reasons for her decision to resign from the position.

Speaker Deighan congratulated Ms. Rose on a job well done. “Ms. Rose has done an exemplary job as PEI’s first Information and Privacy Commissioner. She has, over the course of her time in the position, made a number of key decisions which will have a lasting impact on the administration of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in this Province. She has also firmly established the procedures to follow in the handling of information and privacy requests and has steadfastly created an independent office of the Legislative Assembly which serves to fairly and efficiently deal with disputed requests from applicants interested in accessing information held by Government. I wish to publicly thank her for her commitment to the position and for her professionalism. I wish to extend best wishes to her as she pursues her future interests.”

Speaker Deighan said that the Committee of the Legislative Assembly, charged with the responsibility of recommending a person for appointment as Information and Privacy Commissioner (a part-time position), will advertise for persons interested in making application. The Information and Privacy Commissioner is responsible to the Legislative Assembly, reporting annually to the Speaker.

The Commissioner is responsible for administering the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act including: monitoring compliance with the Act; giving advice and recommendations to public bodies regarding rights and duties under the Act; investigating and attempting to resolve complaints; conducting reviews; and, on completing reviews, making orders concerning the release, or non-release, of information.

The Committee must recommend a person for appointment to the Legislative Assembly. This selection must be supported by at least two thirds of the Members voting before being confirmed. The Commissioner will have all the powers, privileges and immunities of a commissioner under the Public Inquiries Act including the power to call witnesses to attend and answer questions and to order that certain records be produced.

Speaker Deighan said, “The Commissioner must have considerable legal expertise, the ability to interpret and apply legislation and the ability to exercise considerable judgement in administering the Act fairly to both complainants and public bodies. The Commissioner must also be able to deal comfortably and effectively with members of the public, senior government officials, counterparts in other jurisdictions and the media. The term of appointment is five years and is designated as part-time.”

Media Contact: Charles MacKay