Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training met yesterday and today in Ottawa with the three Atlantic federal caucuses to exchange ideas to meet the education and training needs of Atlantic Canadians.
The Ministers laid out a proposed framework that would see the two orders of government partnering to improve university and community college infrastructure and build a stronger research capacity within the Atlantic region. Ministers stated that Atlantic post-secondary education institutions play a critical role in the region’s economy and a well-developed research capacity will lead to major research and development projects.
Ministers raised the issue of adult literacy and would like to see a federal-Atlantic long-term literacy strategy to better support quality, innovative and results-based training to address the lower levels of adult literacy in the region.
The Ministers also addressed the issue of skills development. Skills development presents a key challenge to adults who possess talent and a strong work ethic, but lack formal education and skills credentials. Ministers of Education and Training suggested the need for a joint investment initiative to improve access to lifelong learning, address learning needs of the workforce, expand prior learning assessment and recognition, and provide training in essential workplace skills.
Ministers of Education and Training are unanimous in their belief that resolution of the issues discussed with the Atlantic federal caucuses is imperative if Atlantic Canada is to attain full prosperity and be more competitive nationally and internationally. Ministers were pleased with the reception they received from their federal colleagues and considered this initial dialogue an excellent opportunity to develop a cooperative approach and align provincial and federal priorities which could lead to joint investments in education and training.
The Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training plan to meet in the near future with federal Cabinet ministers with responsibilities in areas raised during the meetings yesterday and today.
Ministers of Education and Training in attendance were Hon. Madeleine Dubé, NB Minister of Education; Hon. Margaret-Ann Blaney, NB Minister of Training and Employment Development, Hon. Tom Hedderson, NL Minister of Education; Hon. Jamie Muir, NS Minister of Education; and Hon. Mildred Dover, PEI Minister of Education.