Prince Edward Island agriculture minister Kevin MacAdam said today he welcomes the announcement that the federal government has responded to provincial and industry requests by investing in traceability initiatives at the new Atlantic Beef Products facility in Borden-Carleton. The federal government has announced it will provide $1.4 million for the purchase of traceability equipment and training.
“My counterparts in the Maritime provinces, along with representatives of the livestock industry in this region, have been pressing the federal government to assist with the installation of this state-of-the-art equipment,” said Mr. MacAdam. “The other partners in the facility, along with the Prince Edward Island government, have already made significant investments to establish this facility, and we welcome the participation of the federal government in helping to meet consumer demands for food safety and quality.”
Mr. MacAdam said he first raised the issue with the federal agriculture minister Andy Mitchell following his appointment six months ago, and has been working with industry representatives and his provincial counterparts in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to obtain federal support.
The Prince Edward Island government has already invested close to $6.0 million in the plant, including funds for the waste treatment facility, processing equipment and the purchase of shares to be held on behalf of producers. The provincial government has also provided loan guarantees of up to one million dollars a year to cover the construction costs of the plant.
Mr. MacAdam said the new traceability equipment will help to meet domestic and international trade requirements.
“We have always taken the position that trade is a federal responsibility, and I am pleased the federal government has recognized its obligations by assisting the new plant in helping address the needs and demands of the marketplace,” said Mr. MacAdam.